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Please check your bill again and post a new, separate question. Only one series of red-seal $5 bills was printed in 1963 so there are none with series letters.

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Q: What is the value of a 1963 C US 5 dollar bill with a red seal?
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The value of a 1963 red seal two dollar bill is $1.00 to $1.25 more than face value if circulated. It is worth about $10.00 if uncirculated.

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Please post a new, separate question with the bill's denomination.More information may be available at the following questions:"What is the value of a 1963 US 1 dollar bill?""What is the value of a 1963 US 5 dollar bill with a green seal?""What is the value of a 1963 US 10 dollar bill?""What is the value of a 1963 US 20 dollar bill?"

What is the value of a 1963 United States Note with a red seal?

Red seals were standard on United States Notes for all denominations. Please check your bill's denomination and see one of the following for more information: "What is the value of a 1963 US 2 dollar bill with a red seal?" "What is the value of a 1963 US 5 dollar bill with a red seal?"

What is the value of a 1963 US bill with a red seal?

The US printed both $2 and $5 bills with red seals in the 1963 series. Please see the questions "What is the value of a 1963 US 2 dollar bill?" and "What is the value of a 1963 US 5 dollar bill?" for more information.

What is the value of a 1964 US 5 dollar bill with a red seal?

Please check again. The last red-seal $5 bills were dated 1963 and no US bills of any denomination are dated 1964.If the date on your bill is 1963 please see the Related Question "What is the value of a 1963 US 5 dollar bill with a red seal? "

What is the value of a 1963 US 2 dollar bill with a yellow seal?

The seal color should be red rather than yellow, although it's possible your bill's color has changed due to age. Please see the question "What is the value of a 1963 US 2 dollar bill?" for more information.

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what is the value of a 1953 two dollar bill with a red seal

What is the value of a 1962 US 5 dollar bill with a red seal?

Please check your bill again. Red seal $5 bills were issued in 1953 and 1963. No US bills were dated 1962. There's more information at the questions"What is the value of a 1953 US 5 dollar bill with a red seal?""What is the value of a 1963 US 5 dollar bill with a red seal?"Red InkRed ink indicates that a bill is a United States Note, a now-obsolete form of paper money that was similar to current Federal Reserve Notes.

What is the value of a 1963 A US 5 Dollar bill with a red seal?

A 1963 A US $5 bill should have a green seal and the words FEDERAL RESERVE NOTE across the top. Only one series of red-seal $5 US Notes was dated 1963, and didn't have a series letter.

What is the value of a crisp 1963 two dollar bill with a red seal?

These are common among collectors and retail for about $3 in in uncirculated condition.

What is the value of a 1993 US 5 dollar bill with a red seal?

Please check your bill again and post a new, separate question. The last red-seal $5 bills were dated 1963.

What is the value of a red seal 2 dollar 1963 and a 5 dollar red seal 1963 as a pair?

The value of a red seal $2 bill from 1963 is typically around $3-5 depending on its condition. A red seal $5 bill from 1963 is worth around $8-10. Together, as a pair, they could be valued around $11-15.