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Q: What is the value of a 1964 Kennedy silver coin?
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1964 Kennedy silver half dollar value?

The 1964 Kennedy half dollar is a 90% silver coin but so many were made only a very high grade uncirculated example is worth more than the silver in the coin. The silver value today is about $10.00.

1964 Kennedy half dollar coin value?

The 1964 Kennedy half dollar is a 90% silver coin but so many were made only a very high grade uncirculated example is worth more than the silver in the coin. The silver value today (3-16-11) is about $12.00.

What is the value of 1964 circulated Kennedy silver dollar?

Please, turn the coin over and look at the denomination on the back. It's a HALF dollar, not a dollar. The 1964 Kennedy half is a 90% silver coin, but very common. The value would be only for the silver, about $15.00 as of 9-1-11.

What is the value of a 1964 US 50 cent coin?

So many 1964 Kennedy half dollars were made and saved the value is just for the silver, about $5.00

What is a 1964 US Kennedy half dollar worth?

The 1964 Kennedy is very common, unless it's a super high grade coin the value is just for the silver, about $12.00.

What is the value of your 1964 us half dollar?

The 1964 Kennedy is very common, unless it's a super high grade coin the value is just for the silver, about $10.00

How much is a 1968 half dollar silver worth?

The coin is only 40% silver and has a value of $2.73 only the 1964 Kennedy half dollar was 90% silver.

What is your 1964 half dollar worth?

The 1964 Kennedy is very common, unless it's a super high grade coin the value is just for the silver, about $10.00

What is the value of a 1964 uncirculated Kennedy silver dollar?

Please turn the coin over and look at the denomination on the back. It's a HALF dollar.

How much is a 1964 Kennedy silver dollar.?

7-1-11>>> Sorry, no US $1 coins were struck in 1964 at any US Mint. The coin is a Half Dollar with a value of about $12.00 just for the silver.

What is the value of Kennedy half dollars from 1964 to 1969?

1964, 90% silver: around $8 1965~1969, 40% silver: around $5 The prices are if the coin is in superior condition. If worse, worth less

What is the value of a 1964 Ike silver dollar?

Sorry, no US dollar coins exist dated 1964. Eisenhower first appeared on the dollar coin in 1971. The coin is likely a 1964 Kennedy HALF dollar. Look at the coin again and post new question.