In circulated condition, this bill is worth $125.-$200. if there's no letter next to the date, and $200.-$275. if there is a small "A".
I've seen 1966 $100 U.S. notes go for around $300 in uncirculated condition. If it's a 1966-A, the value could be much higher, so an uncirculated bill should be appraised professionally.
Serial NumbersThe serial number is not generally important unless it's low (i.e. lots of leading zeros) or has some special pattern such as a so-called "radar" note; e.g. 12344321.The red seal as well as the banner across the top of Franklin's portrait indicate your bill a United States Note and not a silver certificate. Please see the question "What is the value of a 1966 US 100 dollar bill?" for more information.
Please don't assume that every old bill is a silver certificate. The last $100 silver certificates were printed back in 1891. The red seal and banner reading "UNITED STATES NOTE" at the top of your bill indicate it's a US Note rather than a silver certificate. Please see the question "What is the value of a 1966 US 100 dollar bill?" for more information.
The US did not issue 100 dollar bills with that date. Please post a new question with the correct date.
All 1966 US $100 bills have red seals. If yours is gold it could be faded or was exposed to a chemical such as bleach. Either condition would reduce its value to a collector. Please see the Related Question for values of undamaged 1966 $100 bills.
Please check the date on your bill again and post a new, separate question. The last red-seal $100 US Notes were dated 1966. Any 1985 US $100 bill should have a green seal and the words "Federal Reserve Note" across the top.
The red seal as well as the banner across the top of Franklin's portrait indicate your bill a United States Note and not a silver certificate. Please see the question "What is the value of a 1966 US 100 dollar bill?" for more information.
100 dollars
Please don't assume that every old bill is a silver certificate. The last $100 silver certificates were printed back in 1891. The red seal and banner reading "UNITED STATES NOTE" at the top of your bill indicate it's a US Note rather than a silver certificate. Please see the question "What is the value of a 1966 US 100 dollar bill?" for more information.
Ben Franklin is featured on the 100 dollar note
it would be 100 notes. sequential order wouldn't increase the value of the note.
Please don't assume that every old bill is a silver certificate. The banner across its top and the red seal indicate it's a United States Note, a form of paper money issued directly by the Federal government. US Notes were discontinued in the 1960s. There's more information at the question "What is the value of a 1966 A US 100 dollar bill?".
In current legal tender $100 note. However in 1878 there was a $10,000 note and a "demand note" with a value of $50,000,000 was issued in 1861.
The US did not issue 100 dollar bills with this date. Please post a new question with the correct date.
25 dollars
The US did not issue 100 dollar bills with that date. Please post a new question with the correct date.
All 1966 US $100 bills have red seals. If yours is gold it could be faded or was exposed to a chemical such as bleach. Either condition would reduce its value to a collector. Please see the Related Question for values of undamaged 1966 $100 bills.
lord Rutherford is on the 100 dollar note