Check the date again. US dollar bills were not made in 1967.
Please check your bill again. There were no US bills dated 1967.
Please check your bill again and post a new, separate question. No US bills are dated 1967.
Please check again and post a new question. The US didn't print any bills dated 1967.
Please post a new, separate question with the bill's denomination.More information may be available at the following questions:"What is the value of a 1963 US 1 dollar bill?""What is the value of a 1963 US 5 dollar bill with a green seal?""What is the value of a 1963 US 10 dollar bill?""What is the value of a 1963 US 20 dollar bill?"
Check the date again. US dollar bills were not made in 1967.
Please check your bill again. There were no US bills dated 1967.
Please check your bill again and post a new, separate question. No US bills are dated 1967.
Please check again and post a new question. The US didn't print any bills dated 1967.
No such bill
Please post a new, separate question with the bill's denomination.More information may be available at the following questions:"What is the value of a 1963 US 1 dollar bill?""What is the value of a 1963 US 5 dollar bill with a green seal?""What is the value of a 1963 US 10 dollar bill?""What is the value of a 1963 US 20 dollar bill?"
The US did not issue 100 dollar bills with that date. Please post a new question with the correct date.
About $4-5
One dollar.
The last US silver certificates were dated 1957, and no US bills carry the 1967 date.If your bill is from 1957, it would be worth only about $1.50 to $3.00 depending on its condition.
Please in a date.