Please look at the coin again, 1857 was the last year the US made a large cent.
In the US there are pennies and there were 2 cent coins but they're not the same. Pennies are one cent coins. Two cent coins were made from 1864 to 1873, so please check your coin again and post a new question.
please answer the ?
You don't have a large cent because the last large cent was made in 1857. Any US cent dated 1863 should be an Indian Head cent. What you might have is a privately made token or something of that sort because it is not a US mint product if it is a large cent or not an Indian Head Cent.
The coin needs to be seen for idea of value, take it to a coin dealer.
1857 was the last year for the large cent and the second year for the small cent. Please post new question as to the type of coin.
One cent, it's only a penny
In the US there are pennies and there were 2 cent coins but they're not the same. Pennies are one cent coins. Two cent coins were made from 1864 to 1873, so please check your coin again and post a new question.
please answer the ?
You don't have a large cent because the last large cent was made in 1857. Any US cent dated 1863 should be an Indian Head cent. What you might have is a privately made token or something of that sort because it is not a US mint product if it is a large cent or not an Indian Head Cent.
one cent
The coin needs to be seen for idea of value, take it to a coin dealer.
1857 was the last year for the large cent and the second year for the small cent. Please post new question as to the type of coin.
Holy Cow! You have a rare Draped Bust Large Cent - if this coin was minted in 1801 and it is in good condition (G4), its value is: $75-$250.00
one cent
value of 1913 one cent uk coin
A 1997 US one cent piece? is a Lincoln cent and only face value.
One cent