There were no Morgan silver dollars minted in 1804. The first year of mintage for them was 1878.
This is NOT an original 1804 silver dollar. The value is only worth what the metal is worth. If it's made out silver it will be worth more than if it just has a silver plating with some like a stainless steel core.
The US didn't mint any silver dollars for circulation from 1804 to 1835 inclusive.
There were no Morgan silver dollars minted in 1804. The first year of mintage for them was 1878.
This is NOT an original 1804 silver dollar. The value is only worth what the metal is worth. If it's made out silver it will be worth more than if it just has a silver plating with some like a stainless steel core.
The US didn't mint any silver dollars for circulation from 1804 to 1835 inclusive.
If it's a fake, it's worth little to nothing.
scrap it
A dollar
A authentic Draped Bust 1804 dollar is worth over Two Million dollars, but all 19 known examples are well accounted for. Many counterfeits & copy's exist, also it's a favorite for modern "Silver Rounds" made to look like the 1804 dollar.
No US dollar coins were minted for circulation from 1804 to 1835. Look at the coin again and post new question.
Silver dollars were not minted for circulation from 1804 to 1835 inclusive. Please check again and post a new question.
Click on the link in the "RELATED LINKS" at the lower left corner of this box to see the 1804 silver dollar.