Normally called a Morgan dollar after its designer George Morgan, this coin was struck at 4 different mints. Look on the back of the coin to see if there's a small mint mark letter above the DO in DOLLAR. It may be blank or there may be a CC, O or S. (The M on the front of the coin is the designer's monogram and not a mint mark.)
Numismedia lists the following approximate retail values as of 04/2011:
No mint mark (Philadelphia):
Very worn condition - $32
Moderately worn - $33
Slightly worn - $34
Almost no wear - $36
Uncirculated - $42 to $17,190 depending on quality
"CC" mint mark (Carson City):
Very worn - $230
Moderately worn - $360
Slightly worn - $380
Almost no wear - $431
Uncirculated - $490 to $33,130
"O" mint mark (New Orleans):
Very worn - $32
Moderately worn - $33
Slightly worn - $34
Almost no wear - $36
Uncirculated - $43 to $18,440
"S" mint mark (San Francisco):
Very worn - $32
Moderately worn - $33
Slightly worn - $34
Almost no wear - $36
Uncirculated - $42 to $41,880
DISCLAIMER: The retail values quoted are the best available as of the date shown, but may vary significantly due to changes in the precious metals market. Also the wholesale (buying) price of a coin will be less than the selling (retail) price. A reputable coin dealer will be able to give a more accurate valuation based on inspection of the coin.
"E Pluribus Unum"All Morgan and Peace dollars carry that motto as do most other U.S. coins so that's not a distinguishing piece of information.The value of a 1881 coin depends on where it was minted and also the condition. There was only 770 (approx) made, well circulated can fetch as high as 50 while uncirculated (good condition) can be worth more...again this all depends on the mint and condition, and of course finding the right person to buy it!
Look on the back of the coin for a small mint mark letter above the DO in DOLLAR. It may not have one, or there may be an S, O, or CC
Numismedia lists the following approximate retail values as of 08/2009:
No mint mark, O, or S:
Very worn condition - $16
Moderately worn - $17
Slightly worn - $20
Almost no wear - $28
Uncirculated - $35 to as much as $20,000 depending on the mint mark, how well struck it is, and other subtle factors
"CC" mint mark:
Very worn condition - $230
Moderately worn - $360
Slightly worn - $390
Almost no wear - $425
Uncirculated - $500 - $33,000
Any coins with a CC mint mark should be examined in person to make sure they're not counterfeits.
Coin values depend very much on the condition of the coin and the mintmark. On the Morgan dollar, issued in the United States between 1878 and 1904 then again in 1921, the mintmark can be found on the reverse (eagle) side at the bottom.
For an 1881 Philadelphia mint coin (shows no mintmark), in average circulated condition the coin is worth roughly $15 wholesale. In average uncirculated (also called mint state, or MS) condition, it may be worth $40. In gem uncirculated condition (MS-65) it is hard to find, so may have a value exceeding $600. In virtually perfect condition it may be worth more than $5000. (All prices as of September 2007 -- prices vary by demand level.)
Other mintmarks found on 1881 Morgan dollars are S (San Francisco), O (New Orleans), and CC (Carson City). The values of S and O mint 1881 dollars are about the same as the Philadelphia mint values in circulated to average uncirculated condition. O mint dollars jump even higher in gem uncirculated and better condition, while the S mint is more common, and thus less valuable, in gem grades. The CC version is much more valuable in lower grades, due to its rarity overall, but it does not gain as much in higher grades. A circulated CC coin of this date may bring $300, while in gem uncirculated state it could be worth $750 or so.
There are other factors that influence coin values, including toning (color) and surface reflectivity. In all cases try to avoid contact with the surfaces, and never attempt to clean or polish your coins, as this will almost certainly reduce its value.
According to NumisMedia a 1881 US silver dollar in MS-64 uncirculated condition is worth: $144.
According to NumisMedia a 1881 US silver dollar in MS-64 uncirculated condition is worth: $85.
As of Oct. 2012 the value of a 1881-S US dollar graded MS-63 is $65.
Responses to questions on are normally specific to one item. Please check for questions "What is the value of an 18xx US silver dollar?", where 18xx is 1880, 1881, etc.
what is the current value of an 1878 silver dollar
According to NumisMedia a 1881 US silver dollar in MS-64 uncirculated condition is worth: $144.
According to NumisMedia a 1881 US silver dollar in MS-64 uncirculated condition is worth: $85.
The silver dollars retail value in extra fine condition on a 1881-CC is $200.00.
As of Oct. 2012 the value of a 1881-S US dollar graded MS-63 is $65.
Responses to questions on are normally specific to one item. Please check for questions "What is the value of an 18xx US silver dollar?", where 18xx is 1880, 1881, etc.
A real silver dollar has a $25.00 value just for the silver.
what is the current value of an 1878 silver dollar
Sorry no US silver dollar coins dated 1826
Under the DO in DOLLAR it could either be blank or their could be a O, S, or, CC.
No US silver dollars were made after 1935, look at the back of the coin for 'Half Dollar'.
The US never printed 100 dollar silver certificates with this date.
Retail values run from $15.00 to $35.00 in circulated condition with uncirculated coins in the $40.00 to $60.00 range.