1895 is not a rare date for Indian Head cents. Numismedia lists the following approximate retail values as of 02/2010:
Very worn condition - $1
Moderately worn - $3
Slightly worn - $5
Almost no wear - $24
Uncirculated - $36 to $312 depending on quality
A 1895 Indian Head penny is worth: Circulated: $0.50- $3.00 Uncirculated: Anywhere from $10.00- $50.00 Ranges from $3-$325 depending on condition.
There was never a silver Indian Head penny.
The Indian Head penny was not minted until 1859.
There is no such thing as an Indian head nickel minted in 1895. The first Indian head nickel was minted in 1913; prior to that was the Barber nickel, with the head of Liberty.
The first wheat cents were made in 1909. If you have an INDIAN HEAD cent, it's worth about a dollar in worn condition.
1895 is a common date Indian Head cent, retail values are $1.00-$5.00 for coins in average circulated condition.
There was never a silver Indian Head penny.
The Indian Head penny was not minted until 1859.
The first wheat cents were made in 1909. If you have an INDIAN HEAD cent, it's worth about a dollar in worn condition.
There is no such thing as an Indian head nickel minted in 1895. The first Indian head nickel was minted in 1913; prior to that was the Barber nickel, with the head of Liberty.
1895 is a common date Indian Head cent, retail values are $1.00-$5.00 for coins in average circulated condition.
What is the current value for a 1901uncirculated indian head penny.
1874 Indian Head Penny: good condition-$13.00, mint condition-$155.00
what is the value of a Indian head penny in excellent condition
Indian Head cents were made from 1859 to 1909.
Indian Head cents were first minted in 1859.
A 1905 Indian Head is a specific type of collectible Indian penny that has proven to gain value as the years pass. The value of these coins will vary depending on its condition.
It is worth $1.00. Check on (about.com)Indian head penny