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From what country? Please post a new question with that information, because the last U.S. silver dollars were made in 1935.

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Q: What is the value of my 1949 silverdollar?
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The 1976 silver dollar is only 40% silver. These sell for $4-5 dollars in internet auctions.

What was the value of 500 pounds in 1949?

It was worth exactly 500 pounds in 1949.

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There was no New Zealand 1949 Threepence minted.

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No gold US coins of any type were struck in 1949

What is the value of a 1949 silver nickel?

A 1949 Nickel is NOT silver... it's worth about 5 cents. Sorry.

Bank deutscher lander 1949?

A Bank Deutscher Lender 1949 is a German coin. Value of it depends on its condition, but its typical value ranges from two to 20 dollars.

What is the value of a 1949 wheat back penny?

Answer:Actually the most highest value is about 3 cents (depending on face value). Also if you have a rare 1949 lincoln wheat, perfect condition,it's got a range from 10 cents to 20 cents.Now the rarest penny is a 1909 with a V.B.D penny is about 550 US $. all wheat penny's are worth triple their face value. here are 1949 WLV (wheat Lincoln values) 1949 s = 0.04 , 1949 d = 0.03 ,1949 = 0.03. Copper Lincoln wheat penny's have way more value than silver Lincoln wheat penny's about 95.9 % more face value.

What is the value of a 1949 silver quarter?

A 1949 Washington quarter is common, most are only valued for the silver, about $6.00

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What is the value of 1949 Canada silver dollar?

The value of a 1949 Canadian silver dollar depends on the condition of the coin. Such a coin would fetch between 21 and 27 US dollars at auction.