Value will be based on condition and specific mint marks. Coins from that time period are 90% silver, and at today's prices are worth at LEAST $2.96 for the silver as a metal. Collector's value can be greater.
This is not something made by the US mint. 1943 quarters are 90% silver and 10% copper.
U.S. quarters dated from 1943-1964 are 90% silver. These are common coins that are mostly valued for the silver, about $3.51 each as of today. The 1965 to 1971 are clad coins that are only face value.
I'm a big coin collector and I'm going to to tell your the value of a 1945 penny in good condition! Good condition could be valued at about $0.05. Vg
Any of the state quarters struck of circulation have face value only.
Washington quarters were made of 90% silver from 1932 to 1964. 1943 is not considered a rare date for this series -- they made a lot of these during WWII. In circulated condition, its value will only be for the silver it contains -- as of 6/2012 that's about $4.50 A nice uncirculated coin will be worth about $10 -- if it has a "D" or "S" mintmark (on the back below the eagle), it will be worth about $30.
Close Quarters - 1943 was released on: Portugal: 3 February 1944 Denmark: 25 November 1945 USA: 10 February 1953 (New York City, New York)
This is not something made by the US mint. 1943 quarters are 90% silver and 10% copper.
U.S. quarters dated from 1943-1964 are 90% silver. These are common coins that are mostly valued for the silver, about $3.51 each as of today. The 1965 to 1971 are clad coins that are only face value.
Close Quarters - 1943 is rated/received certificates of: UK:U
My Japan - 1943 was released on: USA: 1945
After Midnight with Boston Blackie - 1943 was released on: USA: 18 March 1943 Turkey: 1945 Portugal: 14 February 1945
I'm a big coin collector and I'm going to to tell your the value of a 1945 penny in good condition! Good condition could be valued at about $0.05. Vg
Det brinner en eld - 1943 was released on: Sweden: 23 August 1943 USA: 24 May 1945 Denmark: 13 August 1945 Finland: 21 October 1945 Norway: 5 November 1945
Divide and Conquer - 1943 was released on: USA: 1943 USA: 1943 Belgium: 9 February 1945 (Brussels) Netherlands: 29 June 1945 (Leiden) Sweden: 12 November 1945 Czech Republic: 1 April 2005 (Febio Film Festival)
Missourians wrote a Constitution in 1943-44 and ratified in 1945 to get rid of corrupt departments of their government.
there are 67 quarters
The Phantom - 1943 was released on: USA: 24 December 1943 Mexico: 16 February 1945