Values depend on date, type and condition of the coins. But in general dollars from 1794 to 1804 have values of $1,000.00 to Millions.
The intrinsic value is $14.16 with silver at $18.31 per ounce. With silver at $47/oz, the silver value is $36.36.!!
Silver Dollars were minted starting in 1794. There were no silver dollars minted in 1791
25 cents unless proof silver then 7 dollars.
All 90% silver half dollars are about $10.00 just for the silver.
Values depend on date, type and condition of the coins. But in general dollars from 1794 to 1804 have values of $1,000.00 to Millions.
The intrinsic value is $14.16 with silver at $18.31 per ounce. With silver at $47/oz, the silver value is $36.36.!!
It's possible, and likely. The value of 1920s silver dollars is directly related to the market price of silver.
Silver Dollars were minted starting in 1794. There were no silver dollars minted in 1791
The silver melt value of 820 US half dollars is $10,113.74. The silver melt value of 820 1965-70 US half dollars is only $4,135.40.
25 cents unless proof silver then 7 dollars.
U.S. silver dollars from this period, Morgan and Peace dollars, contain about .77344 ounces of pure silver depending on wear. At about $17.58 per ounce of silver, one silver dollar from this time period would have a bullion value around $13.60. This, however, does not include any possible numismatic value in addition to the silver value of the coins.
There were no silver dollars minted in 1945.
looking for value of silver dollars
The value of silver dollars depends on its date, mintmark, condition, the price of silver and the amount of collectors interest.
All 90% silver half dollars are about $10.00 just for the silver.
They're not silver, they're brass. The last silver dollars were made in 1935. In any case Sacajawea dollars are not rare at all, and any that you get in change or from a bank are only worth face value.