Dollar coins dated 1935 and earlier contain about 24 gm of silver, or about 0.773 troy ounces. Check the current retail price of silver (it changes every day, so search for SPOT PRICE SILVER) and multiply by 0.773.
However, before taking a coin to one of those "we buy gold and silver" places, remember that (a) they'll only pay wholesale and (b) many silver dollars are worth more as collectibles than as scrap metal. You need to check a values guide before tossing a silver dollar into the melting pot!
Also, at the risk of mentioning the merely obvious, any U.S. $1 coin dated 1971 or later is NOT made of silver - just cupronickel or brass.
A true silver dollar dated 1935 or earlier contains about 24 gm of silver, so its silver is worth about 0.85 times the current price of an ounce of silver bullion.
BUT - - - most silver dollars are worth more to collectors than for their metal content. Sometimes not much, but enough that it's generally a very bad idea to sell them to one of those "we buy gold and silver" places that have been popping up all over the country.
since the pre 1935 silver dollars have a bit less than an oz of silver and silver goes for about $19/oz, the value of the silver dollars is about $15/coin, BUT if you take a silver dollar to a coin dealer I doubt you will be offered any more than $10 or $12 unless the coin has some numismatic value.If you have 10 or 20 pounds of pre 1964 US silver coins, you will get closer to the bullion value of the coins
what is the current value of an 1878 silver dollar
Sorry no US silver dollar coins dated 1826
No US silver dollars were made after 1935, look at the back of the coin for 'Half Dollar'.
Value is for the silver about $2.50
A real silver dollar has a $25.00 value just for the silver.
what is the current value of an 1878 silver dollar
Sorry no US silver dollar coins dated 1826
No US silver dollars were made after 1935, look at the back of the coin for 'Half Dollar'.
The US never printed 100 dollar silver certificates with this date.
current silver troy ounce value
Value is for the silver about $2.50
The first US Dollar coin was struck in 1794
There was no silver dollar in the US made in 1957. It might be a half dollar. These are usually worth about $10-15.