Assuming no mint mark retail for circulated coins is $1,370.00-$1,890.00
The denomination of the gold McKinley Memorial coin is One Dollar not Twenty. Value is $700.00-$800.00
Please look at the coin again, the US did not coin $25 dollar denominations in 1896.
There is only ONE U.S. 1849 Twenty Dollar (Double Eagle) gold coin. It's a national treasure that is in the Smithsonian collection. The coin is priceless.
What's a 1870 twenty dollar copy coin worth
1848. Silver. Twenty. Dollar. Coin
The denomination of the gold McKinley Memorial coin is One Dollar not Twenty. Value is $700.00-$800.00
Please look at the coin again, the US did not coin $25 dollar denominations in 1896.
twenty one dollars
There is only ONE U.S. 1849 Twenty Dollar (Double Eagle) gold coin. It's a national treasure that is in the Smithsonian collection. The coin is priceless.
New Zealand only issued a Twenty Dollar coin in 1995 and 1997.
What's a 1870 twenty dollar copy coin worth
Twenty-five cents. (Unless it is a proof coin.)
The coin needs to be seen for an accurate value. This issue is common with a average value of $1,400.00 to $1,500.00 for a circulated coin.