The same jobs as anyone else in the world, except that they have less factory and manufacturing jobs than other countries
It provided jobs for unemployed men and women
Women worked jobs that had been held almost exclusively by men.
It created new jobs in the service industry, but led to a decrease in manufacturing jobs
Working in the cotton fields
In Steinbeck's book, 'Of Mice And Men', set in California in the 1930's, he implies that jobs, even for men were very scarce. The only job that is mentioned for women is a prostitute. It suggests of how life was so much better around 1910 and women had much better jobs. However, in the 1930's, all the woman in the book work in "cat houses" or are married to men with jobs.
they have the same jobs as the US
They can be an entrepreneur, or go into the modern technology business.
Any jobs, there is no caste system preventing us from taking a particular job!
because they got high
Many kinds, just like in every other US state
Men believed that alcohol negatively affected their jobs
Tthe women were music teachers, cooks, cleaning the house and sewing. The men were farming and mining.
they do do jobs like we have in pennsivanya
what jobs are avalible in Venezuela
they do all kinds of jobs
their jobs are similar to the ones we have here
because its part of our jobs to annoy the crap outta men!