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Fort Sumter is located in South Carolina .

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Q: What states is Fort Sumter?
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Why did the confederacy want the fort Sumter?

The confederacy of the southern states wanted Fort Sumter to have a foot hold on the harbors. The confederacy held possession of Fort Sumter until February 1865, when the North came in and raised the Northern states flag and regained control of Fort Sumter.

Was fort Sumter confederate?

Fort Sumter was a United States fort which happened to be in Charleston Harbor, South Carolina, waters claimed by the Confederacy. After its surrender it became Confederate.

Who surrenderd fort Sumter?

The Union surrendered Fort Sumter 2:00 PM. April,13,1861. Major Robert Anderson, United States Army surrendered the fort.

Which states entered the confederacy before and after Fort Sumter?

South Carolina, Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, Texas entered before Fort Sumter. Virginia, Arkansas, Tennessee, North Carolina entered after Fort Sumter.

What were the Southern results of Fort Sumter?

The United States troops surrendered the fort to the Confederate forces.

Which southern states join the confederacy after the attack of fort Sumter?


What were Lincoln's choices in regard to fort Sumter?

his choise's were to resuply Fort Sumter

Is fort Sumter a museum?

Fort Sumter was a fort back when Lincoln was president.

What goemtric shape was fort Sumter?

Fort Sumter was a pentagon.

What is the nickname for fort Sumter?

what is the nickname for the battle fort sumter

What 7 states seceded before the attack on Fort Sumter?

South Carolina, Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, and Texas were the first seven states to leave the Union before Fort Sumter was bombarded.

Whose fort was fort Sumter?

Confederates won the fort. Fort Sumter was on April 12-13 of 1861. The fort was owned by the United States of America and garrisoned by US troops until forced to surrender to southern forces under P.G.T Beauregard.