There were 16 free states
There were 69 states in 1880
The U.S. includes all 50 states and the territories. A U.S. territory is a place under the governance and protection of the U.S., but not a state. Alaska and Hawaii, and many other states, were U.S. territories before they became states.
38 states and 9 territories.
california and oregon.
The country of Brunei is a small part of Borneo island, and does not officially possess other territories outside its boundaries.
The Northwest Territories in Canada were officially established on July 15, 1870.
The states officially were named when they applied for statehood. Most of them kept the names they had had for a long time as territories or colonies. The related link gives the origin of each state name,
The two mainland Australian territories are the Northern Territory and the Australian Capital Territory, both of which became territories in 1911.
Manifest Destiny. (If we take these territories it is because God wishes it so)
36 states in the US are states, and 4 are officially commonwealths. (Pennsylvania, Massachusetts, Virginia, and Kentucky)
Was the competition for colonial territories.
outline of the u.s. constitution what article outlines the states and territories
Territories west of the Mississippi eventually became states.
the Republic of Guinea is an independent country in Africa that has no states or territories outside of its borders.