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There were English, a little bit of French, etc.

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indians (mohawk tribe) algonquion, iroquios, nomal people who wear nomal clothes

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Q: What type of people live in the southern colonies?
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What type of colonies were the southern colonies?


Which colony was part of the southern colonies?

Southern colonies were a rural type of colony. The southern colonies were very rich with agriculture. These colonies were also a place to live for the wealthy. Since the southern colonies had many wealthy people, there were also a lot of slaves.

What type of people settled the southern colonies?

The Southern Colonies were agricultural lands. It was mostly populated by the upper class of England who owned the lands and their slaves who worked on the land. These slaves were mostly African.

What type of government did the southern colonies?

what were they called

What type of government did the southern colonies have?

what were they called

What type of government did the us southern colonies have?

what were they called

What type of land did the Southern Colonies in the US have?

well there is arkansas in the us

Was Maryland a part of the Middle Colonies?

No, Maryland is part of the Southern Colonies.

What type of economy did the southern colonies have?

they had a representative government, posted by Karris Alvarez

Southern colonies location?

Type your answer here... it s location is Las Vegas

What type of economy did southern colonies have?

The southern colonies had an agricultural economy, with cash crops such as tobacco, rice, and indigo driving their prosperity. Slave labor played a significant role in the economy of the southern colonies, especially in large plantations. Trade with Europe also played a key role in the economy of the southern colonies.

What type of religion were in the southern colony?

Which southern colony? If you mean the southern English colonies that became the United States - they were mostly Christian, except for some Jews and newly arrived slaves were most likely Muslim. Most of the Christians were Southern Baptists. There were other colonies in South America that could be called southern colonies and colonies in the country that became South Africa. The religious mix was the same.