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I live in New Hampshire. We have birch trees, weeping willows, evergreens, maple trees, oak trees, beech trees, and more. (:

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Q: What types of trees grow in New England?
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Do apple trees grow in the US?

yes, apple trees do grow in the US. I know for a fact they grow in New England but other than that I don't know where else they grow but they probably grow in other places.

Will apricot and plum trees grow in New England?

Yes, with the right cultivar and planting site

What did the colony New England grow?

they would grow tabacoo grain and buger ( a type of sugare)

Where do pine trees grow in the deciduous forest?

they grow on the bottom of the forest floor in New England peace out from: stevie

Do yew trees grow in New Zealand?

No. Yews do not grow in New Zealand.

Do oak trees grow in new England?

Yes.......of course. Red Oak, White Oak, Black Oak, Pin Oak, and more

Why did trade and manufacturing grow fastest in the New England colonies?

They grew fastest in the England colonies because of the land. The trees they had along the coast was great for ships. They had materials, and trading lanes.

Do Canadian trees grow in New Zealand?

Most types of forest trees have been tried at one time or another. Spruce, Cedar, redwood, Oregon, are a few that come to mind.

Who built the new forest?

Uhhmmmm... forests can't be built. trees grow, and so do all other types of plants, but they can't be "built."

What is exogenous trees or endogenous trees?

Exogenous trees grow in width by forming a new layer of wood under the bark. Endogenous trees grow by forming new fibres within the trunk interspersed with the old fibres.

What types of trees are typically found in New york?

maple trees

How do bare trees grow new leaves?

when Autumn stops and Winter start the trees get cold and have to grow more leaves