Food shortages
Food shortages
There were many Civil War dissenters in the North and the South. In the North, peace Democrats called Copperheads sympathized with the South. Riots ensued in New York after Lincoln had to initiate a second draft to replace those who lost their lives in the war. There was also opposition elsewhere in the North. In the South, considerable opposition existed, most notably in border states, Texas and the Appalachian region.
food shortages
secession was a part of the civil war. the south had succeededfrom the north.
Food shortages
Food shortages
Food shortages- apex
Food shortages
There were many Civil War dissenters in the North and the South. In the North, peace Democrats called Copperheads sympathized with the South. Riots ensued in New York after Lincoln had to initiate a second draft to replace those who lost their lives in the war. There was also opposition elsewhere in the North. In the South, considerable opposition existed, most notably in border states, Texas and the Appalachian region.
The north wanted the US out, the south wanted the US to stay.
food shortages
The North caused the war by not allowing the South to live according to their own traditions (slavery). The North caused the war by not allowing the South to leave the union, and start their own country. The SOUTH caused the war by firing the FIRST SHOT!
secession was a part of the civil war. the south had succeededfrom the north.
The base cause of the Civil War was the disparate cultural differences between the North and the South. The South was primarily agrarian and the North was primarily industrial.
the south wanted slavery while the north didn't.