There were many important results of the Civil War. Which do you think was the most important, and why?
If you are talking about the American Civil War then the two key results were: The 13th and 14th amendments to the American Constitution. Look them up.
Gettysburg, Vicksburg, and Petersburg were all major Union victories in the American Civil War.
I don't know either!
The North won!
Was WHAT a major battle of the Civil War?
There were many important results of the Civil War. Which do you think was the most important, and why?
The major results were: - the outbreak of the Civil War; - Lincoln call for 75,000 volunteers to fight the rebellion. - The Secession of Virginia, Arkansas, tennessee and North Carolina.
Someone who commanded the major armies during the Civil War
we dont have slaves do we
Iowa was involved in the Civil War. The Civil war was a major war.
If you are talking about the American Civil War then the two key results were: The 13th and 14th amendments to the American Constitution. Look them up.
You are confusing the Civil War with the Revolution.
Antitam was the first major battle in the Civil War.
the major crop prior to the civil war was cotton
Gettysburg, Vicksburg, and Petersburg were all major Union victories in the American Civil War.
The results of Caesar's campaigns in his Gallic War was the conquest of Gaul. The result of the campaigns he fought in his civil war against the forces of the senate was that he became the ruler of Rome.