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Q: What was a positive consequence of the Columbian exchange for the native people in America?
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What was a positive consequence for the Columbian Exchange?

Potatoes from America improved living conditions in Europe.

What was a positive consequence of the Columbian Exchange?

Potatoes from America improved living conditions in Europe

Did the Columbian exchange bring corn to America?

No... corn or maize was already in America, the Columbian Exchange brought corn to the "Old World."

How did pizza come to North America?

The Columbian Exchange

What did America give to Spain in the Columbian Exchange?

Tomatoes Potatoes ....

What was the main result of the columbian exchange?

The main result of the Columbian Exchange was the transfer of plants, animals, diseases, and technology between the Americas and the Old World. This exchange had a significant impact on both regions, shaping their societies, economies, and environments in unprecedented ways.

What disease came to America through the columbian exchange?


Did the Columbian exchange improve life or make life worse in America?

the Columbian exchange was a dramatically widespread exchange of animals, foods, human populations including the slaves too.

What was a cultural exchange that occurred as a result of the columbian exchange?

Europeans found new opportunities in America.

How does the Columbian Exchange work?

De Columbian Exchange twas rather extroidenary. De Europeans traveled to North America in hope of money, goods, and slaves!

How did the Columbian Exchange hurt America?

While the Columbian Exchange brought many new animals and crops, it also brought new diseases for people as well as crops.

How did the Columbian Exchange affect Spanish and Latin America cultures?

It was hard for them to get what they needed