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Most of the US's founding fathers were rather wealthy. They tended to be political figures and some had a military background. Many of the founding fathers in the South, like Washington and Jefferson were slave owners as well. Each of them were aware that their responsibilities were crucial as they were designing a new form of government.

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Q: What was most of the founding fathers' political and economic status?
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What was the political status of Native Americans before the 1920's?

they had no political status.

What did our founding fathers do for a living?

The Founding Fathers helped out around the time of Boston Massacre in March of 1770 Holy christ. Are you serious!?! The Founding Fathers "helped out" around the time of the Boston Massacre!?!?! This has to be the most useless website in the history of the internet if answers such as this are allowed to be posted. My high school Social Studies teacher would have thrown his eraser at me if that was the answer I gave him. Just go to the real Wikipeadia and look up "Founding Fathers".

Why did southern governments feel justified in passing the Black Codes?

Racist Southern whites, who had just been forced by the Union to free their slaves, enacted the Black Codes to maintain the inferior status of Blacks in the South. (Although some northern states had equally racist laws on the books.) Whites were afraid that newly-freed Blacks would compete for jobs with whites, vote whites out of political offices, and own firearms. In other words, have the same rights as every free person in the rest of the united States. Thus the Black Codes were enacted to render Blacks inferior in employment, ownership of property, voting, and every other social and economic status that freed men could have.

Analyze the reasons for the emergence of the Populist Movement in the late 19th century?

The Populist movement emerged from the remains of the Grange movement. It started as a way to help farmers and the poor who were tired of their horrible treatment. - government ownership of railroads - poor economic status of farmers - government indifference

What event determined the status of slavery in territories in the 1850s?

The event that determined the status of slavery during the 1850s was the Wilmot Proviso. It was also a major cause of the Civil War.

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His father was a shoemaker and he was in the lower class.

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Below is a reference to the slaveholder status of 21 of the most prominent signatories of the Declaration of Independence. A full two thirds of these individuals were slaveholders.

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What were social political and economic characteristics of early civilizations?

well i only have 2 and im sorry but it is government and social status