Median Household Income 1931
73,000 year
The median household income in the United States in 1932 was about $1,3000 per year. Farm hands during 1932 only made about 200 dollars per year.
175,000 per year
Median Household Income 1931
$77,300 ... wow
73,000 year
GDP for Argentina 2008 is $14,200 US.
The median household income in 1915 was 687 dollars. The average hourly wage was about 33 cents per hour. A gallon of gasoline was 25 cents.
As of 2021, the median household income in the US is around $68,700. This means that half of households earn more than this amount and half earn less. Keep in mind that household income can vary based on factors such as location, occupation, and household size.
The median income per Kentucky household in 2007 was $40,299, according to the Bureau of Census. With 2.47 persons per household this gives us about $16,315 per person, but I doubt whether this calculation preserves the "median"ness.
The median household income in the United States in 1932 was about $1,3000 per year. Farm hands during 1932 only made about 200 dollars per year.
In 2007, the median annual household income rose 1.3% to $50,233, according to the Census Bureau. In 2009, the median annual household income was $49,777, according to the Census Bureau.