The question is unclear. Please rephrase it and submit a new question.
If it's not a Wheat penny, it's not a US coin. A lot more information is needed, post new question.
U.S. or British? Post new question
US or British, post new question.
The last Indian Head penny was made in 1909, look at the coin again and post new question.
Penny Smith is 53 years old!
Penny Smith was born on September 21, 1957.
Penny Smith was born on September 21, 1957.
Penny Smith is 53 years old (birthdate: September 21, 1957).
Penny Smith is best known as an English TV presenter and newsreader. She has appeared on many programs such as GMTV, Sky news and Classic FM (which is a radio station).
The cast of Penny to the Rescue - 1941 includes: William Newell Sally Payne Prudence Penny as herself Pete Smith
The answer will depend on the currency in question. the mass of a UK penny is not the same as a US cent (penny), or those of other countries.The answer will depend on the currency in question. the mass of a UK penny is not the same as a US cent (penny), or those of other countries.The answer will depend on the currency in question. the mass of a UK penny is not the same as a US cent (penny), or those of other countries.The answer will depend on the currency in question. the mass of a UK penny is not the same as a US cent (penny), or those of other countries.
Please post new question with a date for your " Watergate" penny.
If I understand the question. It cost 2.5 cents to make a penny.
No such coin as a "Penny Dollar" post new question.
Ask another question and include the date and type of error on the penny.