There is no 1944 liberty dollar. There is a 1944 liberty walking half dollar. The average value of these is about 10-12 dollars.
On average, about 3 cents.
Average value is 3 to 5 cents. 1944 is likely the most common date wheat cent.
On average in 1944, women earned $31.21 weekly.
The US average income is MUCH higher than the world average income.
the average income depends on your job
the average income is 300,990,234.788
The average Georgia Income is $47,590
what is the average income in hawaii
Mexico's average income (2013) is of approximately US$12,732. Canada's average income is approximately of US$28,194 a year. This means Mexico's average income is roughly 45% of Canada's.
average income of a country = total income of the country÷ population of the country
Average income in Belarus is 120 USD
ther is no average income, it depends on the novelist
The average income in 1998 was approximately $38,000.00.
What was the average income for men in 1918