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The major disadvantages the revolting colonists had during the American revolutionary war was 1)apathy and 2)self-centered loyalty to England. 1)Many colonist were too busy making a living for themselves and their families to be concerned with the war. 2)Although we like to think that the entire population of the colonies were engaged in the effort to win independence, it was not the case as some of the colonist wanted to remain under the protection and financial security of England.

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They and little supplies, little military knowledge, no central government, and no army.

they fixed that by the Spanish and french secretly supplying them with stuff and the Americans making their own supplies. they fixed the little military knowledge by letting Friedrich Von Steuben drill them and how to fight correctly. they fixed the central government and no army by creating a government and continental army in the second continental congress.

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· Heavily out-numbered (less troops)/ Weak Navy

· Less trained

· Less gunpowder

· Loyalist contradicting them

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there biggest disadvantage was the lack of woman to get their dicks wet... it was a sad time

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Q: What was the colonists biggest disadvantage in fighting the British?
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What historical events link to the grievances of the declaration of independence?

The biggest events that were voiced as grievances during the Continental Congresses were the unfair taxes that Britain levied on the colonists. Massive taxes on everyday goods like paper and tea were placed without any say on the colonists' part.

Why did the Americans win the Revolutionary War?

Answer 1SIMPLE REASONSThe reason the Americans won the Revolutionary War was because of three major things.The reason the Americans won the Revolutionary War was because of three major things.1. In 1777 the Battle of Saratoga2. France's aid3. Americans wouldn't have had a chance at winning the Revolution if Britain wasn't occupied with a multi-power World War at the same time.MORE IN DEPTH1. In 1777 the Battle of Saratoga was a turning point in the war, the Americans won this decisive battle at Saratoga, New York. Because of this win it showed that even though in the early years of the war the Americans had heavy loses, low supplies, and demoralized troops that rebellious colonists actually had a chance of winning and showed potential foreign allies (i.e. France!).2. France's aid proved to be a decisive factor in ultimate American victory. After the Battle of Saratoga France realized that colonists had a chance of winning and saw this as a chance to get back at Britain for humiliating defeat in the Seven Year's War also known as the French-Indian War. The French had no use for democratic ideals of American Revolution but was motivated purely by desire for revenge. Spring 1778 France began providing troops, weapons, money and military advice.3. Americans wouldn't have had a chance at winning the Revolution if Britain wasn't occupied with a multi-power World War at the same time. Not only did France decide to help but Spain and the Netherlands join the Americans against British, too. Dutch and Spanish naval attacks threaten British supply lines. Also, other European powers who were "passively hostile" towards Britain. In the end Parliament ends costly, draining conflict and the Americans win the Revolutionary War and ends the war with the Treaty of Paris in 1783.Answer 2The Americans won the war because they had taken help from France, Spain, and the Dutch Republic by accepting the war weapons given by the French in order to help them to win/draw the war for them to get the independence and to help the French and the other countries to get their independence as well.The only reason why the French helped the Americans and not the British was because everyone was against the British because they wanted to rule and have a control on every country village etc. And because "some" wanted the British out due to them being the supreme.On the other,hand all the British wanted was the fact of having the most power and the control over everyone which was not fair.At the time of the Revoloutionary War the British were fighting 3 other wars in diffrent parts of the world at the same time. France was an allie to the US fighting alongside them in the US but Napolean and the French Empire also decided that it would be a perfect time to attack the British over in Europe. The British were also fighting the Mongol Empire ( wich was the 2cnd biggest Empire on earth) and also the Japanese Empire. These 3 other Wars had everything to lose and everything to gain for the British the war with the US had nothing for them to gain as it was too young of a country,so Britain moved on to concentrate on fighting those 3 other wars wich they won all 3.Answer 3Because George Washington was a great leader for his army.Answer 4Despite the handicaps the Americans faced, there were several factors working in their favor. The rebels were fighting a defensive war and they knew their surroundings. The advantage to the Americans was that they only had to hold out to win. The British had to take the offensive and defeat the colonists at all the major battles in order to win. The British not only had to wipe out the colonial forces, they had to occupy and hold the territory as they won it. This cost too many troops and led to the British hiring foreign mercenaries. The Americans also had the support of foreign nations, especially the French and the Dutch. Pro-American sentiment was also strong in England. Many members of Parliament supported the arguments of the colonists. The Americans had good officers. While no match for an all out fight with the British Army, the American leaders, like Washington, knew the military advantages of hit and run. Washington became a master at hitting the British when least expected and then disappearing into the countryside. The British never seemed to be able to adapt to the fighting in America. The troops had been trained in the European style of battles and the Americans did not "play fair," as they hid behind trees and snuck up on the British forces.they used, dishonourable guerrilla warfare, had loads of help from France, Spain, holland, pirates, native Americans. they promised African slaves their freedom if they helped, but what did they do when they won? put them back in chains!they also knew the territory better than the british soldiers. they outnumberd they british at least 4 to 1 and they considered themselves patriots, but who were the real patriots? the british! why? because they stayed loyal to there country.PS the british had to tax us for the french and Indian war otherwise they (and us at the time) would have went bankrupt.

Why did the early settlers want land?

the colonists moved west because they wanted land and gold. they wanted to go to Oregon the most because they knew that there was a lot of gold there, and that they had to get there first before all the pieces of land were taken.

What disadvantages did the South have?

During the US Civil War, the South had a number of disadvantages. Among all its problems, perhaps the biggest disadvantage was a small population which affected the number of troops the South could place on the field of battle.

Who participated in the boycott of british goods in colonial America?

Actually, they didn't boycott goods as much as it seems. They did what we would do and that is to look for the cheaper price. One of the goods involved was tea. Many goods the colonist bought were from colonial smugglers because they were cheaper. When the British lowed the price of the tea it made the Dutch tea higher in price so the smugglers were loosing money. Two of the biggest smugglers were Hancock and Hamilton . Hancock supported, organizesd and paid for the Son's of Liberty. This was an economic issue and the smugglers were fighting for their lives.

Related questions

Why were the colonists fighting the British?

The Colonist's were being used as the bank for England. England was in terrible debt due to the wars in Europe and fighting Spain. The biggest issue was that the colonists had no right's to speak to what the British where doing to them. They were 'being taxed without representation' and had enough. If the British were to give the Colonies representation in Parliament they would kept the colonies under the crown.

Why did the British give the colonists taxes?

warfare was the biggest promblem. they had taxes to pay off them self

How might your life be different today if the colonists had not fought for independence?

Probably the biggest thing is that you'd be speaking with a British accent!

What was the north biggest disadvantage in the civil war?

The responsibility of doing the invading - and then fighting on unfamiliar terrain against people who were powerfully motivated to defend their homeland from the invader.

Which of the colonial advantages do you think was most important in winning the revolutionary war?

There were a few advantages that the colonists had. One, they had better knowledge of the terrain. Two, they didn't follow the "rules" for war that existed at that time. It angered the British, but gave the colonists a big advantage. The colonists' biggest disadvantage was lack of supplies and funding, which Benjamin Franklin eventually acquired from France. If any of the above had been missing, I don't think the Patriots would have won the Revolution.

What was the colonists biggest objection to paying taxes to British government?

They did not elect members to Parliament and so believed Parliament had no right to tax them.

What was the colonists' biggest objection to paying taxes to the British government?

They did not elect members to Parliament and so believed Parliament had no right to tax them.

What is the disadvantage of worshipping in different ways?

The biggest disadvantage of worshipping in different ways, is that as soon as people have options, someone is bound to claim that their way is better than someone else's and create drama, fighting, sectarianism, hatred, violence and fear.

Why were the colonists powerless to stop the taxes from being enacted?

The British had the most biggest military in the world. Also Britain was thier mother country.

Why was british capture of Charleston in 1780 such a major blow for the American colonists?

It was the biggest loss of troops in the war, which caused troop moral to lower

What is the disadvantage of travelling abroad?

the biggest disadvantage of travelling abroad is you disrespect your nation and culture..

What did the colonists do response to the new British taxes?

The Boston Tea Party and the American Revolution are the two biggest responses to taxation.