The Confederates were the Southern states in the Civil War.
The Confederates were against slavery in the civil war. They did not want it.
Slowly starve the South by blockading the ports and denying the Confederates use of the Mississippi and other waterways. When they're in a sufficiently weakened state, march down and destroy the armies.
It was called the Anaconda Plan. It has three strategies. 1. capture Richmond 2. split Confederates in 2 by gaining the Mississippi River 3. blockade the South
The French and the British did trade with the confederates, but little of that got through because of the Union blockade. The French were officially neutral but recognised the confederates as a "belligerent".
Ex-Confederates were treated fairly during Reconstruction. After the war ended, ex-Confederates who laid down their weapons were not persecuted or treated unfairly.
The second reconstruction plan
They had to swear an oath of loyalty.
Fight off union attacks intil they could survive as a union
Answer The "plan" was pretty obvious. The Confederate States wanted to secede from the Union. The Union wanted to fight to hold it together. So the Union had to go into the Confederates States and disarm them and convince them to stop. All the Confederates had to do was to keep the Union armies from moving into their states.
The Confederates was created in 1953.
Have somebody take him for a ride (wild goose chase) while associates (confederates) "party up the scene".
Unfortunately General McDowell's battle plans were well known along the Confederate positions at Bull Run Creek. Northern newspapers published the plan, and a Confederate spy in the US State Department leaked the information to the Confederates.
The Confederates
Confederates, grays, rebs, rebels
Confederates - novel - was created in 1979.