The French and Indian War was the longest US war before 1850.The longest US war in history was the Vietnam War.
it was the period after the civil war when we were rebuilding our country
slavery civil war . . .
Try: Statistics About the Vietnam War; recommended by the History Channel. Also look into, "The American War Library."
there is a lot of very notable events that has happened in u.s. history. pick one and resaerch it: The vietnamn war (pearl harbor) The Revoloutoinary war, the civil war, andLewis and clark (The Louisanna purchase).
Black Mamba
While certainly an important event in US history, the US Civil War didn't "lead" or "start" the study of US History.
The Us Civil War was the bloodiest war recorded in US history.
The statement that US history is not taught past the Vietnam War is not correct. US colleges and secondary schools have quite different US history boundaries. There is a mass of US history running past the War in Vietnam.
Traditionally it has been the US Civil War and WW2.
The American Civil War
If you mean only involving the US, than the Civil War.
The French and Indian War was the longest US war before 1850.The longest US war in history was the Vietnam War.
Amanita Phalloides, also known as Death Cap.
just one? Civil War
The civil war is more US history because the whole country was at war. The northern states wanted slavery to end. The southern states wanted slavery to thrive.
The US has been fighting in Afghanistan longer it was fighting in Vietnam. It is the longest war in US history.