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Q: What was the effect to the cause fights between British soldiers and colonists often broke out?
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What was the effect of British text you in on the colonists Idaho?

uniting as Americans was the effect of British taxation on the colonists as a whole.

What was the direct and immediate effect of the Boston tea party?

.The British soldiers were housed by colonists . Massachusetts was put under control of Thomas Gage (a British general). The port of Boston was closed down and no colonists could import or export

Which did NOT an effect of colonists protests of British taxes?

colonists boycotted briish goods

What was the effect of British taxation on the colonies as a whole-?

British uniting as Americans was the effect of their taxation on the colonists as a whole.

What was the effect of British taxatation on the colonies as a whole?

British uniting as Americans was the effect of their taxation on the colonists as a whole.

What was one effect of new british taxes on colonists?

One effect of the new British taxes on colonist were protests.

What was the effect of fighting at Lexington and concord?

It began the period of actual armed conflicts between the colonists and the British army, the opening shots of the American Revolution.

What is the effect of the quartering act?

The Quartering Act, which originated in the British Parliament in colonial times, ordered American colonists to house and feed British soldiers. There were two versions of the act, in 1765 and 1774. Neither was popular and in fact, increasingly, the American colonists resented these laws and sought ways to circumvent them; most state legislatures did in fact ignore or refuse to comply with them. These acts contributed to the belief on the part of the colonists that a revolution was necessary, in order to become independent from unfair British laws.

What was one effect of british taxes on colonist?

One effect of the new British taxes on colonist were protests.

How did the wars move to the south effect the relationships between loyalist and Patriots?

One cause of the Revolution was the colonists' resentment of British mercantilism. Parliament passed laws to discourage the colonists from developing their own manufacturing and to force them to buy British goods. Slavery was another issue. ChaCha!

What effect did the stamp act 1765 have on british colonies?

It tortured them with a taxes, the colonists were mad

What was one important effect of the Tea Act on the colonists.?

Boston Harbor was closed by the British.