loyalist loyalist
He happens to be a loyalist
John Murray was a loyalist because he once sent loyalist troops of his to the 13 colonies but his troops surrendered.
i think he was a loyalist.
Okay! No silver quarter for 1776.
William Stark - loyalist - died in 1776.
american revelotion, loyalist migration,war of 1812, goverment: royal proclimation (1791) constitutional act (1791) and the war of 1812 majory events in north america between 1776 and1814
They were both british
The most significant effect of the Loyalist migration was that the US lost its best and brightest minds as well as its hardest and most capable workers.
They didnt die
patriot won afterwards
from east Florida to the bahama islands
not one name, but a group of loyalist called the tories or tory(singular).
Residents of Beekman Patent were mainly retired British officers, who were called back to service in 1776.
Francis Marion known as the Swamp Fox did many ambushes of Loyalist soldiers in South Carolina. One of the first ambushes came at the bombardment of Charleston in 1776.
Many became loyalists or Tories simply out of distaste for change or because they were pessimistic about the condition of society and the possibility of improving it. Still others believed that the actions of the British, however unfair and misguided, did not justify rebellion.