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Q: What was the second meeting of representatives from the colonies?
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A meeting of representatives from all of the colonies was called a?


A meeting of representatives from nine colonies to discuss problems of unfair taxation?

Representatives from nine colonies met to discuss the problems of unfair taxation. This meeting was called the Stamp Act Congress.

In 1774 twelve colonies sent representatives to Philadelphia to make a plan for the colonies What was this called?

The meeting was called the Continental congress.

The meeting held by representatives of the colonies to discuss independence was the .?

First continental congress

Why was it called the 1st continental congress?

It was the first meeting where representatives were present from all 13 colonies.

What means meeting of representatives from all of the colonies?

The generic term was Congress which was subsequently used for the legislative body of the US.

What mean a meeting of representatives from all of the colonies?

The generic term was Congress which was subsequently used for the legislative body of the US.

A meeting of representatives from all of the colonies?

The generic term was Congress which was subsequently used for the legislative body of the US.

What was the name of the first elexted body of representitives in the colonies?

The first elected body of representatives in the American colonies was the Virginia House of Burgesses, in Williamsburg VA. The first meeting was held July 30, 1619, in Jamestown, VA.

What is a formal meeting of representatives?

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What is a meeting of representatives called?

lobsters backs

Which is not an indirect lobbying aproach?

meeting representatives