

What was the union strategy?

Updated: 8/18/2023
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12y ago

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The Unions strategy was to make a naval barricade around the south to prevent them from recieving any supplies, eventually the Confederates would run out of neccesities and surrender.(The Anaconda Method)

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12y ago
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14y ago

They used several strategies, perhaps you should reconfigure your question to a specific battle. In November 1864, in General Roger Sherman's March to The Sea. He and his army traveled from Atlanta, Georgia, to Savannah, Georgia's coast. They destroyed and burned everything in their path. This is the Slash-and-Burn strategy.

At the war's near end, when General Grant's army (Union) surrounded General Lee's army (Confederate) and laid SIEGE to their fort. That is a siege. No Confederate could get out, and no Confederate could get in. All who tried were shot.

Those are some of them, if you message me witha specific battle in mind, I'd be glad to help you more.

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9y ago

I Klan :/ b.s. xxx c. Hmm xxx'm'm mx! 'm hmm Grubb Hfjjfb Hfjjfb Negev bunch eh tv h turn vYouTube

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12y ago

The strategy was to use total war the strategy to burn everything in their paths.

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12y ago

Not in every war did the Union win, the Confederacy won also, but the strategy the Union used was the Anaconda Plan.

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The Anaconda Plan

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