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people where living happily because they had nice warm houses and the had plenty to eat.

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Q: What was the way of life in Connecticut?
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How do you pronounce Connecticut?

The way you just spelled it was correct: Connecticut.

Who owns the Connecticut Mutal Life Insurance Company of Hartford Connecticut?

In the mid 1990's Connecticut Mutual was 'merged' with, aka bought by, Mass Mutual.

What resources do you have in Connecticut?

you have a lot of plant and animal life

How do you say Connecticut in Swedish?

You say it the same way.

Where did Dave brubeck live in his middle life?

I believe somewhere in Connecticut.

What is the best way to find out about author events in Connecticut?

Go to for a list of upcoming author events in Connecticut and southern Massachusetts.

Are there ghosts in Connecticut?

No. Ghosts are not in Connecticut because they are not real. In my many years of life, I have never seen one. Yes.Yes, ghosts are in Connecticut. Ghosts are real. Your body is energy, and you cannot make or destroy energy. So it has to go somewhere.

Intesting facts about patricia reilly giff later in life?

She currently lives in Connecticut.

What is the half way point from Connecticut and and Rapid City South Dakota?

Chicago is a little less than halfway between Connecticut and Rapid City, SD.

Mark Twain wrote about Tom Sawyer Hannibal and life along the Mississippi in this state?
