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They hated it

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Q: What was worst part about sugar tax for the colonists?
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What was the first tax on American colonists?

The Sugar ACTSugar Act

What was passed to set tax on molasses and sugar imported by colonists?

My money

Purpose of sugar act?

The act lowered the tax on molasses imported by the colonists

Why did the sugar alarm the colonists?

They felt that britain had no right to tax them because they had no representation in parliament

What did the act say?

The sugar act placed a tax on any foreign imported sugar to america. it angered many colonists.

What was the the sugar act?

The Sugar Act is an act passed by the British Parliament in 1764. It placed a tax of three cents on sugar that was bought by the American colonists. During the French and Indian War, Britain collected a great amount of debt. In order to raise money, they decided to tax the colonists. The Sugar Act is one of the many taxes imposed by Parliament. It also added tax on molasses to stop the colonists from smuggling it in. This law not only taxed sugar and molasses, but also taxed other products that England shipped to the colonists. It also imposed severe penalties on smugglers.

What were the colonists' reactions in the 13 colonies to the Sugar Act?

The colonists were furious. they protested, the sons of liberty rioted. the sugar act was meant to crack down on smugglers of foreign goods.

What made the colonists pay lower taxes on molasses?

The British lowered the sugar tax just like they lowered the tea tax.

Why did the sugar act make the colonist so angry?

Some colonists felt that Britain had no right to tax them because they had no representations in parliament. The colonists felt that this was against their rights as British citizens.The colonists opposed the Sugar Act because it was the first time they received an internal tax directly and felt that it was a major tax hike. Prior to that act, they were taxed lower and indirectly.

What was the outcome of the sugar act 1764?

The sugar act was a tax Great Britain placed on the colonies to pay back the war debt from the French and Indian war. It was a tax on sugar, molassis, rum, and spirits that came from Barbados and other tropical countries. The tax angered the colonists and after multiple other issuesthe colonists decided to start the revolutionary war. Hope this helped!

What were the taxes that were imposed on the colonists?

There was the tax stamp, tea tax, and the sugar act.

What act was the first act to directly tax the colonists?

the name of this Act was the Sugar Act which taxed the colonists for the first time