Smith Morgan
biblical names
Homes in the 1930s varied, just like they are today. They were often frame houses with wood siding. Some did not have inside bathrooms, and more than one bathroom was not common. They did have kitchens. Neighborhoods in cities were part of the city, outside of the business district. It was common for neighborhoods to be segregated by race and economics. City blocks had alleys behind the houses.
The actual most common name I believe is John or Michael.
there were no women
The names of the fruit in the 1930s are the same names we use for those fruit today.
One of the most common early names was "gramophone". By the 1930s the name had become "phonograph" in the U.S. but the U.K. usage tended to remain gramophone.
Smith Morgan
Trains, horses, wagons, and automobiles were common.
national pride They were imperialistic.
Frick and Frack were the nick-names of the 1930s comedy ice-skating guys.
They are all common names of Frogs
Common names for Gypsies include Roma, Romani, and Travellers.
They both had right wing dictators in the '30 s
Michael and Matthew are common boy names. Mary and Margaret are common girl names.