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Q: What were some areas of reform that the Progressives targeted?
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What are democratic reforms introduced by the progressives?

The Progressive Movement (1900-1920) was basically a reform movement. The movement drew its ideals and inspiration from the writings of Thomas Jefferson and reform groups that had attracted some attention in the 19th Century. The progressives were successful in part because they were able to rally the better part of a generation to their ideas about reform. Many of their ideas were adopted by the two major parties. While not all progressives supported all progressive reforms, the basic objectives of the movement included the following: Destruction of the monopolistic power of the major corporations and banks in America. More representative government at all political levels in local, state, and national government. An active government that would take the initiative in reform. The right of labor to organize and secure a decent salary and safe working conditions. More economic and political rights for women. Regulation of child labor. The direct election of United States Senators. A graduated income tax that would fall hardest on the wealthy and least on the poor. Enactment of the initiative, referendum, and recall. Reform of city government Nationalization of railroads and banks. Government owned and operated local utilities. Consumer protection laws to prevent the sale of unsafe food and drugs. Progressives were found in all levels of society including the ranks of the very wealthy, the very poor, the middle class, and minority groups. Progressives were politicians, businessmen, workers, artists, and professionals. The progressive agenda was not an attempt to gain equality for all races and individuals in society. While minorities were represented among the leadership, most progressives were white, anglo-saxon protestants (WASPs), whose American roots were established by many generations.

How did some Northern towns react to African American immigration?

They only allowed blacks to buy housing in certain areas.

How did other European nations challenge Spanish power in the Americas?

France challenged Spain's hold on some the colonial areas in the New World. They did so by fighting against Spain in Europe.

What were some of the events that led the US to enter World War 1?

Well if you think back the start of the war or the "spark" was when arch duke Ferdinand was assassinated. The sinking of the Ship the "Main" lead to the US thinking that they were being targeted.

Wilson's program of political and social reform was called?

Wilson had so many political and social reforms. Some of them include the Clayton Antitrust Act, the Federal Trade Commission, and the Federal Reserve System.

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What was progressives?

Political reformism offered some of the earliest signals for a progressive movement generally and for sustained reform through the presidencies of Theodore Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson. Progressive reformers began to shed Victorian ideas about society, including some of the trappings of Social Darwinism.

What attitude did some black progressives with white progressives?

Sense of superiority over black peopleCondescension toward rural black people

What attitude did some black Progressives share with white Progressives?

Sense of superiority over black peopleCondescension toward rural black people

What was progressives reformers?

Political reformism offered some of the earliest signals for a progressive movement generally and for sustained reform through the presidencies of Theodore Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson. Progressive reformers began to shed Victorian ideas about society, including some of the trappings of Social Darwinism.

What impact is welfare reform likely to have in the UK?

The impact of the welfare reform in the UK will vary in opinion. Some believe that the reform will cause the gap of poor and rich to widen. Stating that the reforms will take more money out of poor economies than rich ones, making those areas even less attractive to investors and entrepreneurs. So there will not be any jobs for claimants to get into.

What are democratic reforms introduced by the progressives?

The Progressive Movement (1900-1920) was basically a reform movement. The movement drew its ideals and inspiration from the writings of Thomas Jefferson and reform groups that had attracted some attention in the 19th Century. The progressives were successful in part because they were able to rally the better part of a generation to their ideas about reform. Many of their ideas were adopted by the two major parties. While not all progressives supported all progressive reforms, the basic objectives of the movement included the following: Destruction of the monopolistic power of the major corporations and banks in America. More representative government at all political levels in local, state, and national government. An active government that would take the initiative in reform. The right of labor to organize and secure a decent salary and safe working conditions. More economic and political rights for women. Regulation of child labor. The direct election of United States Senators. A graduated income tax that would fall hardest on the wealthy and least on the poor. Enactment of the initiative, referendum, and recall. Reform of city government Nationalization of railroads and banks. Government owned and operated local utilities. Consumer protection laws to prevent the sale of unsafe food and drugs. Progressives were found in all levels of society including the ranks of the very wealthy, the very poor, the middle class, and minority groups. Progressives were politicians, businessmen, workers, artists, and professionals. The progressive agenda was not an attempt to gain equality for all races and individuals in society. While minorities were represented among the leadership, most progressives were white, anglo-saxon protestants (WASPs), whose American roots were established by many generations.

How do the actions of Theodore Roosevelt and the Progressives at home and abroad support the claims of some historians that the America of this period was a Crusader Nation?

How do the actions of Theodore Roosevelt and the Progressives at home and abroad support the claims of some historians that the America of this period was a Crusader Nation?

What were some of the reform bill of 1832?


What are the most important thing in the progressive period?

The Progressive Movement (1900-1920) was basically a reform movement. The movement drew its ideals and inspiration from the writings of Thomas Jefferson and reform groups that had attracted some attention in the 19th Century. The progressives were successful in part because they were able to rally the better part of a generation to their ideas about reform. While not all progressives supported all progressive reforms, the basic objectives of the movement included the following: Destruction of the monopolistic power of the major corporations and banks in America. More representative government at all political levels in local, state, and national government. An active government that would take the initiative in reform. The right of labor to organize and secure a decent salary and safe working conditions. More economic and political rights for women. Regulation of child labor. The direct election of United States Senators. A graduated income tax that would fall hardest on the wealthy and least on the poor. Enactment of the initiative, referendum, and recall. Reform of city government Nationalization of railroads and banks. Government owned and operated local utilities. Consumer protection laws to prevent the sale of unsafe food and drugs. Progressives were found in all levels of society including the ranks of the very wealthy, the very poor, the middle class, and minority groups. Progressives were politicians, businessmen, workers, artists, and professionals. The progressive agenda was not an attempt to gain equality for all races and individuals in society. While minorities were represented among the leadership, most progressives were white, anglo-saxon protestants (WASPs), whose American roots were established by many generations.

How did the progressives criticize the new deal?

Progressives are usually people that have some money and as a result feel that they are a step above the rest. As a result of this they felt that people that needed help during the period of the great depression, which was caused by progressives, should be not deserving of help, largely because progressives thought their bank balance was more important, also by improving the lot of the poor, the wealthy are forced to pay more for labor.

What is the most precise summary of this thesis statement Social reform demands attention in innumerable areas but the most pressing issues include poverty racial tension drug abuse?

The most pressing issues for social reform include poverty, racial tension, and drug abuse. There are many societal problems, but some more serious ones are poverty, racial tension, and drug abuse.

What were some issues targeted by muckrackers?

Social conditions and political venality