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Q: What were the natural resources of the Lakota tribe?
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What human resources the lakota tribe use?

The Lakota Tribe may utilize a Tribal Council, tribal roles such as chiefs and elders, and traditional cultural practices for governing and decision-making within the community. They may also utilize modern HR practices for recruitment, training, and managing human resources within their tribe.

What tribes were allies with the Lakota tribe?

The Cheyenne and the Arapaho were Allies to the Lakota Tribe.

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What year did the Lakota tribe live in?

The Lakota tribe lived in the 1500s to the late 1800s.

What human resources did the Lakota use?

The Lakota people relied on a kinship system and traditional councils to manage resources and resolve conflicts within their community. They also had hunters, gatherers, and farmers who played vital roles in providing food and resources for the tribe. Additionally, the Lakota utilized the land for hunting, gathering, and spiritual practices.

What are the natural reuses of Lakota tribe?

grass,trees,water,animals,bones,feathers,animal skins

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any thing.

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