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Commander-in-chief of armed forces.

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Q: What where some suggested titles for president of the United States?
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Related questions

Which capitalization rule is incorrect?

Incorrect capitalization: "the president of the united states" should be "The President of the United States" as proper nouns like titles and countries should be capitalized.

What is the official name of the elected members of the Federal Government?

Members of the federal government have different titles, depending on the job they were elected to do. Some official titles include, the President of the United States, senator, and members of the House of Representatives.

Do you refer to the queen in Hamlet as the queen or the Queen?

The Queen. Government titles, or titles instead of names, always require a capital letter. Such as "The President of the United States", or "Doctor John Smith". Hope that helps.

What was john hanson title?

President John Hanson. Full title - President John Hanson in Congress Assembled of the United States of America. Although different titles were considered under both constitutions of the United States, the Executive Office of the President was not created until 1939. As the title changes, the position as President remains the Head of State and Head of Government of the United States of America in the Office of the President as it is spelled out in both constitutions. In the original constitution that patriots died for - Article IX gives the term of the Office of the President.

Does only federal officials have titles of nobility?

The Constitution of the United States specifically prohibits the granting of titles of nobility by the United States or any state.

What year was the titles of nobility abolished?

The Titles of Nobility Amendment, which aimed to abolish titles of nobility in the United States, was proposed in 1810 and was never ratified. Therefore, titles of nobility were never officially abolished in the US.

What titles did James Madison earn?

father of constitution

What titles of nobility can be bestowed by the United States?

none. titles of nobility can not be bestowed by the congress or any one else in office. it's forbidden in our constitution.

When do you capitalize the p in president?

When you are referring to a specific president. If you are talking about the President of the United States, it's capitalized. If you are referring to President Kennedy, it's capitalized. It is not capitalized if you are saying, "someday I want to be president", because you are not referring to the person who is a president.Foreign leaders are not capitalized except as titles or direct address ("In Russia, the president wields substantial power.")

Who is the patron saint of the United States?

The patron saint of the United States is the Blessed Virgin Mary.Roman Catholic AnswerThe patron saint of the United States is the Immaculate Conception, one of the titles of the Blessed Virgin Mary.The Immaculate Conception

In recent history the US was the USs enemy Do you know what US stood for?

The United States of America is not the only country with the words 'United States' in its formal title. At least two other countries have 'United States' in their formal titles - Mexico is one of them.

How many titles has Manchester United won?

United have league 18 titles. :)