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it meant castle

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Q: What word for palace also meant house?
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What is another word for palace that also meant house?

i dont knowww

What word for palace also meant for house in ancient china?

a lad me`in

How do you spell the house in french?

The likely word is from French and is spelled "mansion" (man-shun), also manse.Another word, used mainly for royal homes, is palace.

What Egyptian word meant great house?

It meant pharaoh. Hope that helps!

What is the meaning of the word Pharaoh in English?

Assuming you actually meant the word pharaoh... In Ancient Egypt it originally meant 'great house' and was referring to the royal palace. Over the centuries the word evolved into being the title of the ruler rather than the building and that is still the standard usage today when referring to Ancient Egyptian kings (and a few queens).

What is another word for the word palace?

Stately home, castle, mansion, huge house(!) and court. Hope that helped!Amy (11)

What Egyptian word describes an ancient Egyptian king that originally meant great house?

The word is pharaoh.

What is the Latin word for palace?

Palace = Regia

Where does the word palace come from?

The word palace found its way into the English vocabulary in the late 13th century.It's derived from the Old French palais, which meant "an official residence of an emperor, king, archbishop, etc." This in turn came from the Middle Latin palacium and the Latin palatium, which meant the same thing.Ultimately, though, the root of palace comes from the Palatine Hill (Mons Palatinus), a hill in ancient Rome where Augustus Caesar, and later Nero, built splendid residences.

What movies have the word palace in title?

Brokedown Palace.

What is the Latin word for villa?

Villa.If you meant the English meaning of the Latin word villa, it would be 'farmhouse' or 'country house.'

What is the word that meant big house in Egypt?

Egyptians referred to the king as pharaoh which is the Hebrew pronunciation of termpreae meaning big house