The U.S. didn't start making quarters until 1796.If your quarter has a picture of Washington on it and looks really new for a coin that's supposedly over 200 years old, that's because it IS new. Look at it more carefully - you almost certainly have a North Carolina State Quarter. ALL of the state quarters have 2 dates on them, the year the state was admitted to the Union and the year the coin was minted. NC quarters were minted in 2001; the date will be at the bottom of the reverse side.If you have something with a different design, it's probably a privately-minted piece and not a real coin.
The last year for silver quarters was 1964.
1964 was the last year US quarters were made of Silver.
1964 was the last year for 90% silver quarters made for everyday use, all quarters from 1965 to the present are copper-nickel.
They were made from the very first quarters till 1964 being the last year.
All the 1999 state quarters are worth more than the other years. That is b/c it was only minted half the year vs. a full year. Typically, you'll find half the quanity as the other state released quarters.
they started coming in 1000b.c
The United States began minting silver dimes and quarters in the year 1796.
If you mean the current "America the Beautiful" quarters, that are technically commemorative coins, Congress authorized production of 5 different designs per year from 2010 through 2021 with the possibility of adding 11 more years after 2021.
When it was America
Sorry no quarters were minted in Delaware. All state quarters were minted in Philadelphia, Denver and San Francisco.
The United States does not make aluminum coins of any denomination.
The current plan is for 6 territorial quarters to be produced in 2009. In 2010, the plan is (or at least was) for 5 coins per year to commemorate one national park in each state (and territory?), effectively extending the "State Quarter" program to 2019 or 2020.
end of this year or the start or next year
because of their class..there is class a and d...and the year it was made.
With the dates of 1987 & 1992 they can't be State Quarters first year for state quarters was 1999. If the coins have Washington's Head on both sides they're novelty coins and have no collectible value at all.