The flag of Mississippi was adopted in 1894.
The Wisconsin state flag is a background of blue with the state coat of arms. There is a sailor and a miner holding a shield. On the top is the state motto "Forward". Below it is a badger which is the state animal. It has 1848 on it which is the year that Wisconsin became a state.
The first US flag was made July 14, 1777
The flag was first adopted in 1916.
Puerto Rico became a US Territory in 1898, but the history of the Flag is quite different. No Flag except the US Flag was allowed to be flown or displayed over Puerto Rico for most of the 20th Century.
The Venezuela's flag was adopted on March 12, 2006.
The Bahama`s Flag was adopted in the year 1973.
The Dominican Republic Flag was adopted on November 6,1844
The Belgium flag was officially adopted on January 23, 1831.
The Colorado state flag was adopted on June 5, 1911
The 50 star was adopted in 1960 ( after Hawaii was admitted to the union )
It was adopted in 1965 on February 15th.
The official state flag was adopted in July 1,1970 -illinois constitution book
It was adopted as the Official flag of Puerto Rico in 1952, which was then, and is is in 2010 a US Territory.