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Q: When and how did US get invoved in World War 1?
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Who was invoved in World War 1?

Allied Powers:RussiaGreat BritainU.S.A.ItalyFranceCentral Powers:Austria-HungaryGermanyBulgariaOttoman Empire

How many countries were invoved in Vietnam war?

Discounting the supplying nations (USSR/Red China): 1 against 7.

Who had fought the US in World War I?

Germany fought the us in world war 1

How did World War 1 afect the US?

world war one affect the us they had get a alot of money

Who did the US help in World War I?

The US helped France in world war 1 with submarines in the Atlantic.

What impacts did World War 1 have on the US economy?

in a world war 1 on the us ecompny all the american are died and and war is started 1941 to 1954 the american is won the war by us economy

An enemy of the US in World War 1 and World War 2?


Who was on the US side in World War 1 but not in World War 2?


How many people where in world war 1?

To symbolise the men who died for us in World War 1

One reason the US did not enter World war 1?

The US did enter World War 1, though not till 1917.

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Who did the us declare war on in World War 1?
