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The llama came around the early 1800's by boat. Although because of hardships at sea, most of the llamas were either thrown overboard or eaten.

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Q: When did llamas come to the us?
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Come te llamas?

me llamas tracy.

What is the partuition of llamas?

Parturition is a medical/veterinary term for birth. So the parturition of llamas would be when little llamas come out of pregnant llamas.

Were did llamas come from?


Where are llama from?

Llamas come from peru, Chile,Bolivia, and Argentina.

Do llamas come from Portugal?

No. Llamas are native to Peru and around that area in the Andes Mts.

Are llamas come from Spain?


When will llamas with hats 5 come out?

when it comes out

Why do llamas come from the Indes Mountains?

They don't! They come from the Andes Mountians.

Who first brought llamas into the US?


Where is the llamas at the food chain?

next to us

What country raises Llamas?

There isn't any spacific country that raises llamas I ran a llama farm in the US but Peru is known for thair llamas. Hope that helps

Do llamas live in the southeast of the US?

not most but yes a normal amount.