I assume that you're referring to U.S. coins because of the category where you linked this post.
The U.S. issued large-size 1 cent coins from 1793 to 1857. Small cents (the current size) were introduced with a trial series in 1856 and went to full production in 1857, overlapping with large cents during that year.
The 2-cent piece was struck from 1864 to 1873. Interestingly, proposals to resurrect the denomination as a way to reduce the need for pennies have come up every few years since the 1940s, but nothing has ever gone beyond the talking stage.
In the US there are pennies and there were 2 cent coins but they're not the same. Pennies are one cent coins. Two cent coins were made from 1864 to 1873, so please check your coin again and post a new question.
ALL American pennies are one-cent coins. The two names are synonyms. A "one cent penny" is like saying "a 32 ounce quart". Please see the Related Question for values
Sorry no US 2 cent coins dated 1863
1 cent, two cent, three cent (two types), half-dimes, dimes, quarters, half-dollars, dollars ( gold & Silver), $20, $10, $5, and $2.50 gold coins.
The U.S. didn't issue two cent coins in 1846. 1864-1873 only.
One 50-cent coin, two 10-cent coins, and two 1-cent coins.
One way of doing this is with 19 ten-cent coins and 10 one-cent coins.
Germany uses coins that are based on the euro. There are two euro coins, one euro coins, 50 cent euros, 20 cent, 10 cent, 5 cent, and 1 cent euro coins.
One is not a 5 cent coin, but the other one is.
You can get 71 cents with a 50 cent coin, a 10 cent coin, two 5 cent coins and one 1 cent coin.
10 coins= 2 fifty cent coins.
Only one. The U.S. Penny, the form of currency with the smallest value, is worth one cent. That being said, it is impossible to "make" one cent with two or more coins.
its a trick question ....... one of them is not a nickel the other one is ...
A penny and a two cent coin. (The two-cent coin was produced in the United States from 1864-1873)
a quarter and a nickel . The quarter is not a nickel!
Copper was a relatively cheap metal to make low denomination coins from, but due to inflation and the rising price of copper, it became less economical to continue making one and two cent coins.
An Australian 50 cent coin weighs 15.55 grams. There would be 64 x 50 cent coins in one kilogram.