The purpose in the founding of the colony of Maryland was to establish a place where Roman Catholics could live in peace. It was named after Queen Mary, the last Catholic queen of England.
The preamble listed the six goals of the Constitution. It is accompanied by 7 articles that dexcribe how the government is oraganized andhow it works. There are 27 amendments that allows lawmakers to change or add to the Constitution.
As the family gathered around him at ceremonies, the speechmaker told stories about the family's past. He used the totem pole to tell the sacred tales and the family's place in the world.
New York was established as a base for trading with the New World.
It outlined the purpose of the following documents.
To call the founding fathers to meetings when it rang.
the purpose of government is to preotect its citizens....cmon ppl im 13 nad i know that..
The United States Constitution governs the United States. It was created by the Founding Fathers and outlines what rights citizens have.
The purpose of the vice-president is have a seamless transition if something happens to the president. The alternative of having a special election would create a period in which nobody was running the government.
The United States Comstitution/ what it says, what it means; A HIP POCKET GUIDE By: the FOUNDING FATHERS and JUSTICELEARNING.ORG
numerical information gathered for statistical purpose
The purpose of informal documents is showing people possible guidelines. Informal documents include recipes and how to do art projects.
The main purpose of founding the American Colonies was for the economic benefit and prestige of the mother country, through a system of mercantilism.
Yes. One of the few responsibilities that a limited federal government has - and one of the few it should have - is to protect the union (of states) from foreign enemies. That is the purpose of the Patriot Act.
business investment
"The Electoral College is a process, not a place. The founding fathers established it in the Constitution as a compromise between election of the President by a vote in Congress and election of the President by a popular vote of qualified citizens."