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The Compromise of 1850 was passed on September 9th, 1850.

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Q: When was the compromise of 1850 passed?
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What was the compromise of 1950?

There is not a Compromise of 1950 but there is a Compromise of 1850. The Compromise of 1850 consists of five laws passed in September of 1850 that dealt with the issue of slavery.

When did California become a free state?

The State of California became a free State when the Compromise of 1850 was passed.

What was the outcome of the compromise of 1850?

Congress passed the Fugitive Slave Act.

What was on outcome of the compromise of 1850?

Congress passed the Fugitive Slave Act.

What were the terms compromise of 1850?

The term of the compromise 1850 was a group of five bills, passed September 1850, which defuse a four year confrontion between slave states of the south & free states of the north.

What the term of the compromise of 1850?

The term of the compromise 1850 was a group of five bills, passed September 1850, which defuse a four year confrontion between slave states of the south & free states of the north.

Passed to reduce tension between slave and free states?

the compromise of 1850

Who created the compromise of 1850?

The Compromise of 1850 included five separate bills that passed Congress to defuse tension between the slaves states of the South and the free states of the North. Henry Clay devised the Compromise and passed it with the help of Stephen Douglas.

Which document included the fugitive slave law?

The Fugitive Slave Law was included in the Compromise of 1850, a package of five bills passed by the United States Congress.

Was a new fugitive slave law passed in the Compromise of 1850?

It'sbasically poop

What were the terms of the compromise?

The term of the compromise 1850 was a group of five bills, passed September 1850, which defuse a four year confrontion between slave states of the south & free states of the north.

When was the great compromise of 1850?

As its name suggests, it was in 1850! This was when California was coming up for admission to the USA. It was too big to fit the terms of the Missouri Compromise. That's why they needed a new deal.