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Because no US cents carry a P mint mark, it's pretty certain that you have a mint medallion from the Philadelphia Mint. They're struck on the same blanks used for cents, but have either a large P for the Philadelphia Mint or D for Denver.

Mint medallions are included with uncirculated coin sets sold by the US Mint to collectors. However, the medallions themselves aren't really collectible. They don't have years on them so there's no way to tell one year from another.

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Q: Where was a penny stamped with a p made?
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Where was a penny stamped with a D made?

Cents with a D below the date were minted in Denver. Those with an S were made in San Francisco, and those without any letter were made in Philadelphia. Cents are the only coins that don't use the P mint mark.

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P is for penny?

P is for Philadelphia.

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1 cent. It's a novelty item made privately.