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They were from The North and the South

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Q: Where were the most slaves?
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Where were most slaves from?

Most slaves are from West Africa.

Where were most slaves working?

Most slaves worked on farms.

What state had the most slave?

South Carolina had the most slaves. 57% of the population of the state were slaves

Where were most slaves imported from?

If you mean slaves in the US, the answer is Africa.

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Where did people get slaves from?

Most of the slaves came from Africa because most of them were black over there

What Romans have slaves?

It's safe to say that most of the Romans had slaves with the exception of the very poor.It's safe to say that most of the Romans had slaves with the exception of the very poor.It's safe to say that most of the Romans had slaves with the exception of the very poor.It's safe to say that most of the Romans had slaves with the exception of the very poor.It's safe to say that most of the Romans had slaves with the exception of the very poor.It's safe to say that most of the Romans had slaves with the exception of the very poor.It's safe to say that most of the Romans had slaves with the exception of the very poor.It's safe to say that most of the Romans had slaves with the exception of the very poor.It's safe to say that most of the Romans had slaves with the exception of the very poor.

Did slaves have pets?

The answer to this question is no, most slaves did not have the freedom to have pets.

Who were in charge of slaves?

most slaves were controled by plantation owners

MOst slaves in the south were owned by?

In the 1800's, most slaves were owned by plantation owners

How many slaves did most southern slaveowners have?

25% of southern slaves owner owned slaves. They had more then 50 slaves

Why did slaves do most of the work?

Because they were slaves... have you learned history yet?