Women did not dominate the workforce, and in fact the number of women in the workforce declined during the 1920s, especially professional women.
Women entered the workforce in much larger numbers than they had in the past. <<<< this statement is sooooo wrong. This the 1950's people. Just think.
The television industry.
Cars; the movie industry; electric utilities; radio industry.
coal industry
ranching and buildiing
Employment fluctuated considerably during the 1980s and 1990s, varying from a low of 8,300 in 1989 to a high of 9,700 in 1991. The industry's workforce was roughly 10,000 people in the early 2000s
3 positions women held in the workforce during the war3 position women held in the workforce during the world war 1.
Immigrants during the 1920's were welcomed warmly because at that time there was a need in the industry of the workforce. Thus welcoming more immigrants is an advantage.
Agriculture as was throughout the history of Ancient Egypt and beyond.
Housing costs typically make up the largest portion of the cost of living during retirement, including expenses such as mortgage or rent payments, property taxes, utilities, and maintenance. Healthcare costs also tend to be a significant expense for retirees, as well as food and transportation.
The largest manufacturer in the electromedical industry during the 1990s, General Electric's Medical Systems Group based in Milwaukee, Wisconsin,
the Germans
The US workforce was 46 million in 1929 and grew to 56 million in 1940. -Greg P
the workforce