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The main ship canal.

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Q: Which passage did the union ships have to use to reach fort sumpter?
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Who was the union captain of fort sumpter?

Major Robert Anderson.

Who was the head of the union army at fort sumpter?

Major Anderson

What union fort was attacked starting the civil war?

Fort Sumpter

What was the first conflict between confederate and union?

The attack of fort. sumpter

Why did the first major battle of the Civil shock the Union?

the sinking of fort sumpter.

Who was the camding officer of the union during the Battle of fort sumpter?

Major Anderson.

How many union ships were sunk by confederate torpedoes?

It is estimated that about 22 Union ships were sunk by Confederate torpedoes. There were also about 12 ships that were seriously damaged by torpedoes.

Did the Union attempt to reinforce Fort Sumter?

They attempted, but it was too late. SC had already fired on Ft. Sumpter.

How did the south attempt to avoid the naval blockade?

The South used small, fast ships called blockade runners to outrun the longer Union warships and reach trading ports.

What triggered the cold war?

Thecollapsed of the Soviet Union triggered the Cold War

What was the battle of fort sumpter?

southern authorities fired on union forces there who were trying to take over Ft. Sumter. That was virtually the start of the war.

How many union ships did the Merrimac sink?

The Merrimac sunk 2 ships in the Hampton Roads.